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We are a stealth mode startup in the field of logistics, storage, and transportation, aiming to make the advanced standards, technologies and efficiencies of industrial logistics available for small scale and private customers or use cases.

Start: Willkommen

What we're up to:

We develop small containers, software and a network of service providers to support private and small business customers in handling their storage and transportation needs. 
We thrive to save our customers time, space, ways and money by letting them or us keep and transport their stuff with our containers in a highly efficient yet fashionable way.

Start: About Us

Our Vision

We believe in  a “remote world”, in which people frequently change the places where they live or work. We believe that lines between work, vacation, home and travel will blur. We believe that people will downsize their surrounding  belongings, but won’t compromise access to anything they need and could afford. We believe “things” will be stored apart from humans. 


We therefore believe things should move smartly, so that humans can move freely.

Einem Kunden helfen


We develop innovative storage containers for a possibly wide range of use cases. Our containers aim to solve all the problems you've previously experienced with other boxes.


We're a 100% software driven startup company, exploring the potential of AI and blockchain based smart contracts in particular.


After all we are in direct touch with consumers, therefore customer experience, convenience and interfaces are our guiding light in connecting our selected service providers. 

Start: Dienstleistungen

Come join us!


Senior Tech Lead

#embedded systems,  #signal processing,  #C,C++,C#,  #requirements management,  #client-server communication,  #cloud technologies,  #web technologies & front end development

                                          see full profile

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©2022  IMPRINT: Bockses GmbH, Bouchéstr. 12, 12435 Berlin, AG Charlottenburg, HRB 237972 B, Director: Oliver Skopec

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